diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml
index 4270574..4473eed 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml
@@ -17,8 +17,12 @@ jobs:
           - ubuntu-20-04-x64
           - ubuntu-22-04-x64
           - fedora-35-x64
+          # - fedora-36-x64
+          # - fedora-37-x64
+          # dnf is broken: https://ask.fedoraproject.org/t/dnf-operations-use-large-amount-of-ram-and-may-fail-in-low-memory-environments/26427
           - centos-7-x64
           - centos-stream-8-x64
+          - centos-stream-9-x64
       - uses: actions/checkout@v3.2.0
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f38c0d3..393b702 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -114,27 +114,28 @@ export PASS="1"
 ## Compatibility
-The script supports these OS and architectures:
+The script supports these Linux distributions:
-|                 | i386 | amd64 | armhf | arm64 |
-| --------------- | ---- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
-| Amazon Linux 2  | ❔    | ✅     | ❔     | ❔     |
-| Arch Linux      | ❔    | ✅     | ❔     | ✅     |
-| CentOS 7        | ✅    | ✅     | ✅     | ✅     |
-| CentOS 8        | ❌    | ✅     | ❌     | ✅     |
-| Debian >= 9     | ✅    | ✅     | ✅     | ✅     |
-| Fedora >= 27    | ❔    | ✅     | ❔     | ❔     |
-| Ubuntu 16.04    | ✅    | ✅     | ❌     | ❌     |
-| Ubuntu >= 18.04 | ✅    | ✅     | ✅     | ✅     |
-| Oracle Linux 8  | ❌    | ✅     | ❌     | ❔     |
-| Rocky Linux 8   | ❔    | ✅     | ❔     | ❔     |
-| AlmaLinux 8     | ❌    | ✅     | ❌     | ❔     |
+|                    | Support |
+| ------------------ | ------- |
+| AlmaLinux 8        | ✅       |
+| Amazon Linux 2     | ✅       |
+| Arch Linux         | ✅       |
+| CentOS 7           | ✅ 🤖     |
+| CentOS Stream >= 8 | ✅ 🤖     |
+| Debian >= 10       | ✅ 🤖     |
+| Fedora >= 35       | ✅ 🤖     |
+| Oracle Linux 8     | ✅       |
+| Rocky Linux 8      | ✅       |
+| Ubuntu >= 18.04    | ✅ 🤖     |
 To be noted:
-- It should work on Debian 8+ and Ubuntu 16.04+. But versions not in the table above are not officially supported.
+- The script is regularly tested against the distributions marked with a 🤖 only.
+  - It's only test on `amd64` architecture.
+- It should work on older versions such as Debian 8+, Ubuntu 16.04+ and previous Fedora releases. But versions not in the table above are not officially supported.
+  - It should also support versions between the LTS versions, but these are not tested.
 - The script requires `systemd`.
-- The script is regularly tested against `amd64` only.
 ## Fork
diff --git a/openvpn-install.sh b/openvpn-install.sh
index 6bb39c5..c47e08f 100755
--- a/openvpn-install.sh
+++ b/openvpn-install.sh
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function checkOS() {
 		if [[ $ID == "centos" || $ID == "rocky" || $ID == "almalinux" ]]; then
-			if [[ ! $VERSION_ID =~ (7|8) ]]; then
+			if [[ $VERSION_ID -lt 7 ]]; then
 				echo "⚠️ Your version of CentOS is not supported."
 				echo ""
 				echo "The script only support CentOS 7 and CentOS 8."