# This Vagrantfile is used to test the script # To run the script on all machines, export VAGRANT_AUTOSTART=true autostart_machines = ENV['VAGRANT_AUTOSTART'] == 'true' || false # else, run `vagrant up <hostname>` machines = [ { hostname: 'debian-10', box: 'debian/stretch64' }, { hostname: 'debian-9', box: 'debian/stretch64' }, { hostname: 'debian-8', box: 'debian/jessie64' }, { hostname: 'ubuntu-1604', box: 'ubuntu/bionic64' }, { hostname: 'ubuntu-1804', box: 'ubuntu/xenial64' }, { hostname: 'centos-7', box: 'centos/7' }, { hostname: 'fedora-29', box: 'fedora/29-cloud-base' }, { hostname: 'fedora-28', box: 'fedora/28-cloud-base' }, { hostname: 'archlinux', box: 'archlinux/archlinux' } ] Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| machines.each do |machine| config.vm.provider 'virtualbox' do |v| v.memory = 1024 v.cpus = 2 end config.vm.define machine[:hostname], autostart: autostart_machines do |machineconfig| machineconfig.vm.hostname = machine[:hostname] machineconfig.vm.box = machine[:box] machineconfig.vm.provision 'shell', inline: <<-SHELL AUTO_INSTALL=y /vagrant/openvpn-install.sh ps aux | grep openvpn | grep -v grep > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "Success: OpenVPN is running" && exit 0 || echo "Failure: OpenVPN is not running" && exit 1 SHELL end end end